I write fiction with rainbow colors, focusing on M/M Romance and LGBT-themed literary fiction. After too many years of writing for business and education, I successfully rose to the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge. Now, with almost a half million words on disk, I think I'm ready to release a few chapters to the public. 

This is the place where most romance authors tell you about their hectic lives with a supportive spouse, crazy children and counter-productive cats. Well, I have none of these: I'm gay-divorced with no kids and my only pooch died of cancer years ago. I used to live in the beautiful foothills of the California Sierra Nevada for ten years, but now I've returned to the Windy City where a whole lot more happens that I don't do.


Through Button Eyes: One of several authors in an anthology


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Confessions of St. David

I swear my multi-volume soap-opera novel is not autobiographical but rather the confessional memoir of a boy embarrassed by riches.  The handsome, talented, high school loner, David, breaks away from his Central California trailer-trash roots to grow up and come out in the 1990s. The next installment follow David to college in Los Angeles, where he becomes a super model with Olympic athlete dreams and becomes the most sought after boy-toy slash porn star in Hollywood. Until he isn’t. The last book finds David in witness protection fighting his way out of addictions and depression as the sins of his youth catch up to him. Then, twenty years later, after settling down into domestic life as a successful screen writer, David's past that comes back to haunt him and his Southern-belle boyfriend Clyde. 

St. Lazarus Collegium for Gifted Boys

Another series of mystery/thriller stories is about a religious order which, on the surface, runs orphanages and schools for special children. However, a secret arm of the order serves as undercover enforcers of justice inside the Church -- from secretly dealing with indulgences of the 15th Century to curtailing sex-abuser priests in modern times. The order recruits its agents from their high-tech Collegium for Gifted Boys, nestled in a mountain valley high in Swiss Alps. Of course, the Church disavows all knowledge of what the order gets up to, because the boys know where all the bones are buried -- in so many ways.

Watch for more about “Confessions”, the "Secret order of St. Lazarus" and other projects I'm working on.